Thursday, 18 August 2016

4576 Havildar Bishen Singh , 15th Ludhiana Sikhs

  • Havildar Bishan Singh was enrolled on 5th April 1903, and served with the 15th Sikhs during his entire military career. When the Great War began, Havildar Bishan Singh was with his regiment when it proceeded to France as part of Indian Expeditionary Force A. 15th Sikhs was part of the Jullundur Brigade along with the 1st Battalion, Manchester Regiment, 47th Sikhs, and 59th Rifles (Frontier Force) in the Lahore Division. Arriving at Marsailles on 26th September 1914, the Indian Corps quickly received new rifles and undertook some organization and training.
  • Less than a month later, much of the Corps was sent into a desperate situation at the front and at once begun suffering heavy casualties. The 15th Sikhs alone suffered 260 other ranks killed and wounded by 1st November 1914. It was during this period that Havildar Bishan Singh was wounded by enemy shelling, and awarded the Indian Distingished Service Medal and was Mentioned in Despatches for his actions and bravery. Unfortunately, his wounds were severe enough to force his early pensioning on 27th May 1916.
  • Besides his IDSM and being mentioned in dispatches , Havildar Bishan Singh IDSM was awarded two Sanads which granted a square of land and supplementary monthly income for his distinguished service.

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