Friday, 9 September 2016

Signal man Gurmukh Singh came running down from the watch tower of Saragarhi fort after spotting 10,000 Afghans marching towards the fort.

Signal man Gurmukh Singh came running down from the watch tower of Saragarhi fort after spotting 10,000 Afghans marching towards the fort.
“Janab,there are too many of them.”
How many?
“10,000-12,000 janab.”
Send signal to Lockhart Fort for help.
“Signal already sent,help denied.”
Every face present in the fort looked upto Hawaldar Ishar Singh.They were not sure what was upon them as for them they had never been in situation where they were outnumbered so heavily.
Time froze, instead of verbal communication a glance of eye was enough to tell the situation of every mind present. More then the rank of Hawaldar,Lance Naik and Sepoy they shared a brotherhood.
They were the men of 36, Sikh regiment.
Finally Hawaldar Ishar Singh spoke:
“I know the state of your mind,and what you might suggest.We are outnumbered heavily and odds are against us.We can retreat or surrender and no one will question our decision.”
He took a long pause before he spoke again
“But surely everyone will question his words.”
Every face had a confusing look.
Ishar Singh continued:
“Yes,words of our father who once said:
ਚਿੜੀਯੋਂ ਸੇ ਮੈਂ ਬਾਜ਼ ਲੜਾਊਂ
ਗਿਦੜੋ ਸੇ ਮੈਂ ਸ਼ੇਰ ਬਨਾਊਂ
ਸਵਾ ਲਾਖ ਸੇ ਏਕ ਲੜਾਊਂ
ਤਬੇ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਸਿੰਘ ਨਾਮ ਕਹਾਊਂ “
(It is only when I make sparrows fight hawks,
Mould jackals into Lions
Make every sikh fight a hundred thousand
Only then I shall be called Gobind Singh.)
“If we move away from this now, we ll leave an everlasting blot on his turban. Sikhs have faced many holocausts but never have we turned our backs on what we stood for. It is upon us to decide our fate, fate of the thought that Badshah Darvesh propagated, fate of blood that runs in our community. It is upon us my brothers.”
His voice grew loud and stronger.
“ਦੇਹ ਸਿਵਾ ਬਰੁ ਮੋਹਿ ਇਹੈ ਸੁਭ ਕਰਮਨ ਤੇ ਕਬਹੂੰ ਨ ਟਰੋਂ ॥ਨ ਡਰੋਂ ਅਰਿ ਸੋ ਜਬ ਜਾਇ ਲਰੋਂ ਨਿਸਚੈ ਕਰਿ ਅਪੁਨੀ ਜੀਤ ਕਰੋਂ ॥ ਅਰੁ ਸਿਖ ਹੋਂ ਆਪਨੇ ਹੀ ਮਨ ਕੌ ਇਹ ਲਾਲਚ ਹਉ ਗੁਨ ਤਉ ਉਚਰੋਂ ॥ ਜਬ ਆਵ ਕੀ ਅਉਧ ਨਿਦਾਨ ਬਨੈ ਅਤਿ ਹੀ ਰਨ ਮੈ ਤਬ ਜੂਝ ਮਰੋਂ॥ “
(O Power of Akaal, give me this boon .May I never ever shirk from doing good deeds
That I shall not fear when I go into combat. And with determination I will be victorious.
That I may teach myself this greed alone, to speak only of Thy (allmighty lord Waheguru) praises.
And when the last days of my life come, I may die in the might of the battlefield.)
The Saragarhi fort roared with the battle cry of:
“Jo Bole so nihaal,Sat shri akal”
(Blessed is person who utters the Almighty is truth.)
Those 21 brave soldiers fought bravely till their last breath to uphold the legacy and held the fort for strategic time delaying the Afghans from advancing to other forts, while the reinforcements arrived.
Every soldier was posthumously awarded Indian Order Of Merit.
“Jado patta hove sineya ch shek hon gey ji
Odo jang jaan waley bande aam nahio hunde“

The Story Of The Tiger Of Siachin, “Honorary Capt. Bana Singh” Captures Pakistani “Quaid Post”

The Siachen Glacier also known as ‘The World’s Highest Battle Field’ is a 76 km glacier with mountain ranges on both sides. The average winter snowfall is 35 feet, with temperatures in the upper reaches ranging from minus 30 degrees to minus 80 degrees centigrade. ‘Quaid Post’ at Point 21153, is at an altitude of 21,153 ft, which was the most prominent and highest feature that was occupied by the enemy to dominate the entire region.
In June 1987, 8 JAK LI was entrusted with the difficult task of capturing the post from the enemy.
On June 26, 1987, Naib Subedar Bana Singh volunteered to be a member of the team tasked to capture the Quaid Post, which was seemingly impregnable. The post was a glacier fortress with ice walls 1500 feet high on both sides and a had a thin razor sharp ridge line on the flank. 
Naib Subedar Bana Singh led his men through an extremely difficult and hazardous route and inspired them by his indomitable courage and leadership. Using ropes to climb the ice walls in the severe cold, the heroic JCO and his men crawled and closed in on the enemy. In an unparalleled feat of raw courage and valor, he moved from trench to trench, lobbing hand grenades and charging with his bayonet, killing all the remaining enemy soldiers to capture the strategic post.
Nb Subedar Bana Singh displayed the most conspicuous gallantry and leadership under severe adverse conditions and was awarded India’s highest Gallantry Award ‘The Param Vir Chakra’ and Quaid Post was renamed as ‘Bana Top’ in honor of this Brave Son of India.

Aircraft from the Japanese carrier Ryujo’s

Aircraft from the Japanese carrier Ryujo’s were employed to raid Vizagapatam (now Vishakhapatnam) and Cocanada (Kakinada), both towns of about 40,000 people, the first ever air raids on India. Information on these raids is scarce but it is known that Ryojo launched three strikes of five Type 97s each at the following times to attack these ports:
- 1143: five Type 97s armed with one 250 kg bomb and four 60 kg bombs. These aircraft attacked Vizagapatam between 1300 and 1345.
- 1330: two Type 97s armed with one 800 kg bomb each, three armed with one 250 kg bomb and four 60 kg bombs each. This strike attacked Cocanada, probably from 1405 to 1454.
- 1655: five Type 97s armed with one 250 kg bomb and four 60 kg bombs each. This strike hit Vizagapatam, probably between 1725 and 1745.
Information about the raid on Cocanada is very sparse. A report in The Hindu says that two ships were damaged, but this is not confirmed.It is certain that neither ship was sunk, however.
Below ---- Rare pic of Vizagapatam under attack by B5Ns from Ryujo on 6 April 1942

The Battle of Saragarhi - The Last Stand of the 36th Sikh Regiment

September 12, 1897, twenty-one soldiers of the 36th Sikh Regiment, including their commander, Havildar Ishar Singh, faced impossible odds. Over ten thousand Pathans and Afghan tribesmen advanced on their signaling post of Saragarhi, located in the North-West Frontier province of undivided British India. For the next seven hours, the Sikhs fought to the last man, protecting the Indian soil of the British Empire with unflinching courage and determination. Each was posthumously awarded the Indian Order of Merit, the highest gallantry award an Indian soldier could receive from the British crown. Never in the history, or since the battle of Saragarhi, has an entire contingent of troops received the highest gallantry honor for a single action. This is their story, based on the actual dispatches sent during the battle and the days that followed it.

… the name of your race has become almost synonymous in the English language with traditions of desperate courage and unflinching loyalty.
-Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, in Lahore. (The Times, April 07, 1899)

…the conduct displayed by the 21 men of the 36th Sikh Regiment whose names were inscribed on the memorial was characteristic of the [Sikh] nation's traditions. It should be kept as an example to others, in order to show how brave men should behave when facing fearful odds. 
-General Sir Arthur Power Palmer (The Times, April 17, 1902)

My Trip to USA

By the grace of God and your best wishes, I have been granted visitor visa to USA. I will be leaving for USA by mid-October and plan to raise the profile of the Sikh Heritage in Pakistan. Therefore I would request my friends from USA who follow me on Facebook and are aware of my work to contact their Gurdwara Sahibs and local Sikh/South Asian Organizations to arrange a presentation by myself. I plan to stay in USA for a month but I need to arrange and plan the itinerary as USA is a big country.I am in USA from 12 October to 12 or 14 November .
Please share my FB page Khalsa Raj Footsteps in Pakistan with your Local Gurdwara Sahib or organization
Also contact me directly on FB messenger and I will be able to share my CV with you after you had initial talks with your Gurdwara Sahib and/or local Sikh Organization.
I hope through your cooperation I will be able to visit maximum numbers of Gurdwaras and Sikh organizations across USA and raise the profile of Sikh heritage in Pakistan.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

SARAGARHI Sikhs and Pathans, 1897 Victory over the tribesmen on the North-West Frontier of British India is still commemorated by Sikh Regiments by James Lunt 1977

Sikhs and Pathans,
Victory over the tribesmen on
the North-West Frontier of
British India is still
commemorated by Sikh Regiments
by James Lunt 1977

THE NORTH WEST FRONTIER of India used to be described as the British Army's finest Training Ground, where a real enemy fired real bullets at one - rather like Mr Jorrocks' definition of Fox-Hunting as being 'The image of war without its guilt, and only five-and-twenty per cent of its danger.'This may have been true enough, so far as guilt was concerned, because the Pathans, as the Frontier tribesmen were collectively known, regarded war as being an inevitable part of their way of life. It was another matter, however, when it came to danger, since the tribesmen were cruel and ruthless adversaries who neither gave nor expected quarter. The history of the British campaigns on the Frontier tells as much of tragedy as of triumph, and one of the greatest tragedies occurred at the little-
known fort of Saragarhi -little-known, that is, until September 12th, 1897, since when what happened at Saragarhi has been commemorated each year wherever the various battalions of the Sikh Regiment happen to be garrisoned. Saragarhi was a small stone blockhouse situated roughly midway along the five miles long Samana Ridge, which divided the Kurram and the Kanki valleys. Its function was to serve as a signalling station between Fort Lockhart at the eastern end of the ridge and Fort Cavagnari, usually known as Gulistan, on the west. Because signalling at that time was confined toheliograph and flag semaphore, the outcrop of rock on which Saragarhi stood interrupted the line of sight between the two main posts; hence the need for a signalling station to transmit messages between the two.

On Saragarhi's southern flank the ground fell steep and sheer to the Kurram valley 3,000 feet below; on its other three sides the slope was less precipitous, but seamed and broken by numerous ravines. These, together with great boulders with which the ground was littered, provided a perfect covered approach to within a few yards of the blockhouse walls. There had been attempts to clear a field of fire for Saragarhi's defenders but it was never envisioned that the blockhouse should withstand
a serious assault. Aid could soon be sent from either Fort Lockhart or Gulistan - or so the military planners had reckoned.The Indian infantry battalion defending the Samana Ridge in September 1897 was the 36th Sikhs, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Haughton, veteran of many a Frontier battle.

His regiment was relatively new by Indian Army standards, and, unusually, was composed entirely of Sikhs. After the Indian Mutiny the British had taken the precaution in most regiments to mix the Class Composition, Hindu Dogras and Jats providing some kind of a check on Punjabi Mussalmans, and vice versa. Only a few regiments- Gurkhas, Mahrattas and Sikhs - recruited from all the same class.
The fact that the 36th were wholly Sikh (apart, of course, from their British officers) lent an extra dimension to the drama that was about to unfold. The Sikhs, a martial Hindu sect immediately distinguishable by their neatly coiled beards and distinctively-tied turbans, first made their impact on the Indian scene in the fifteenth century, as a result of the teachings of their first Guru, Nanak. Dwelling mostly in the Punjab, the Sikhs gathered strength under the greatest of their Gurus, Gobind Singh, despite the ruthless attempts by successive Moghul Emperors to suppress them. Thus there developed a deep hatred between the warrior Sikhs,determined to defend their Faith, and the Moslems, equallydetermined to force them to recant.It was after the collapse of the Moghuls, andduring the early days of British rule, that the Sikhs reaped their revenge. They produced a man of genius, Maharajah Ranjit Singh, who between 1800 and 1839 extended the Sikhs' boundaries until they included the Vale of
Kashmir and marched with those of Afghanistan. Ranjit, short and unprepossessing in appearance, for he lacked an eye and was heavily pockmarked, was equally successful in the bedchamber and on the battlefield. He wasfond of quoting the old Persian couplet, 'Four things greater than all things are, Women, and Horses, and Power, and War,' and he certainly lived up to it. His harem was filled with beautiful women, his stables with superb horses, and he had as much war as even he could have wanted. Power, too, but he took great care not to fight the British, reasoning that along that road he might meet with disaster. Sikh rule pressed harshly on Ranjit's Moslem subjects, particularly on the Pathans in the North-West, and the tribesmen had many scores to settle. This they remembered at Saragarhi. Tribal uprisings on the Frontier had a habit of appearing out of nowhere, and that of 1897 was no exception. Sometimes the British political officers, moving among the Tribes, were able to forecast trouble, but equally as often rebellion came almost overnight. There was some warning in 1897, because the tribal gatherings (jirgahs) had been debating the pros and cons of a rising against the government, but no-one could have guessed the extent of the uprising, nor the speed with which it swept through the tribal areas like a prairie fire. From Swat to Waziristan the tribes rose in their tens of thousands - Afridis and Orakzais, Mahsuds and Mohmands - egged on by their religious leaders, the Hadda Mullah and the Mullah Powindah. The Mullahs preached a Jihad, or Holy War, promising all those so fortunate as to die in the act of cutting a Hindu or Christian throat with eternal bliss in a Paradise where all the fields were well-watered and all the women more beautiful and willing than human imagination could conceive. The first news ofthe uprising came from Fort Chakdara in distant Swat. There the tribesmen allowed the officers to complete their afternoon's polo before pinning them down in their fort. At Maizar in the Tochi Valley there was a different story. British officers enjoying a meal with some tribal chiefs were treacherously shot in the back. When reports of incident after incident were brought to Colonel Haughton in Fort Lockhart by his Political Officer, the latter added that it could not be long before the local tribes joined in the fray, and made a determined attempt to capture Samana Ridge. This was on September l Oth , and Haughton'sfirst concern was for Saragarhi. Half his battalion (Headquarters of the 36th Sikhs and four Companies) was located in Fort Lockhart; the other four Companies held Gulistan. In between there were small detachments manning pickets and observation posts who could be withdrawn without undue risk to the main positions. Saragarhi, however, was a different proposition. Without Saragarhi, Haughton could not keep touch with the other half of his battalion. Reluctantly, and with every recognition of the risks he was running with his soldiers' lives, Haughton decided that Saragarhi must be held - to the last man, and to the last round. There were twenty-one soldiers defending Saragarhi, most of them young, and few with more than five years' service. The majority of them belonged to the Signalling Platoon, trained in the use of helio and semaphore. Allwere Sikhs. They were commanded by Havildar (Sergeant) Ishar Singh, aJat Sikh from the Punjab, who had left his village twelve years before to enlist in the Sirkar's service. His subsequent career in the 36th Sikhs had not been one of unqualified success, because Ishar Singh was a somewhat turbulent character whose independent nature had brought him more than once into conflict with his military superiors. His career in many ways was a reflection of the advice given to young British officers when first they joined a Sikh unit: 'Work your men until they drop and you'll find they make the best soldiers in India; but if you relax and let them idle around in barracks, there's no kind of mischief known to man they won't become involved in.' Thus Ishar Singh - in camp a nuisance; in the field magnificent! Little more could be done within Saragarhi to make the place more secure; but what could be done was done by Ishar Singh's twenty men under his watchful eye and blistering tongue. And after it was done, all they could do was wait, sweltering in the narrow confines of the fort as the sun rose higher in the sky. Meanwhile, the messages between Fort Lockhartand Gulistan continued to pass, faithfully intercepted and transmitted onwards by winking helio from the high roof of Saragarhi. There was not long to wait. On the morning of September 12th, not long after Ishar Singh
had stood down all those not on duty, and had set them to cleaning their rifles, a message was flashed from Gulistan warning that a tribal lashkar, several thousands strong, had comeswarming out of the Kurram Valley and had been launched against Gulistan's outer perimeter. Thwarted there, the tribesmen had withdrawn momentarily; but soon afterwards Aridis and Orakzais, shouting 'Death to the Infidels,' had poured up on to Samana Ridge, cutting off Gulistan from Fort Lockhart, and sweeping round Saragarhi like the waves of the sea. To the handful of Sikhs peering  down from the loopholes cut high in Saragarhi's walls it must have seemed as if every Pathan on the Frontier was screaming for their blood. At first the chiefs came forward to offer surrender on easy terms. Ishar Singh's reply, delivered in Pushtu, the language of the Frontier, was as uncompromising as it was obscene. Then the tribesmen turned to threats, taunting the soldiers with the prospect of a slow and painful
death if they chose to remain faithful to their salt. Neither promises nor threats made the slightest impression on Ishar Singh. As the bullets from a thousand muskets screamed overhead, ricochetting as they struck the masonry, he calmly reported by helio to Fort Lockhart. that Saragarhi was now surrounded. Then, taking his rifle, he went to his post, aiming carefully and picking off any tribesman so unwise as to show himself from behind his cover. Saragarhi must have seemed an easy prey to the tribesmen as they took up position beneath its walls. Their Intelligence was good, and they knew precisely the strength of its garrison. Wild-eyed, unkempt, and smelling rankly from the goats and camels that shared their mud hovels in the valley below, they were halfdrunk with religious fanaticism and hatred of their enemy. Time after time they moved forward in an unsteady line, only to be cut down by the withering fire from the Sikhs above. For six long hours the battle continued, as the heat grew fiercer and a man's thirst more unendurable but nothing the tribesmen did could make the slightest impression on Ishar Singh and his band of devoted Jawans. Time was not on the Tribesmen's side- or so their chiefs reasoned; for they were not to know that Colonel Haughton had left Saragarhi to look after itself. At any moment, the Pathans feared, a relief column might move out from Fort Lockhart, and shortly afterwards the dreaded high explosive shells from the mountain howitzers would be bursting around them as they sheltered among the rocks. If Saragarhi was to be taken before relief could arrive, it must be done before nightfall; and already the shadows were beginning to lengthen.
Meanwhile, within the blockhouse, conditions were deteriorating fast. The tribesmen
may not have penetrated as far as the walls; but their bullets had killed or wounded many of the tiny garrison. After nearly six hours' fighting more than half the defenders had been either killed or wounded; but when Ishar Singh laconically reported the fact to Fort Lockhart, he added that this meant all the more ammunition was available for those who remained on their feet. For a time there was an uneasy lull, apart from the occasional sniping shot, and then suddenly the tribesmen opened fire in a sustained fusillade. Many of the Sikhs drew back from the embrasures to protect themselves; but those who were braver, or more foolhardy, saw a party of the enemy rush out from behind the cover of their rocks and make for an angle of the, fort where they would be in dead ground from the fort's walls above. The tribesmen ran crouched, carrying on their backs a string bed, or charpoy, covered to a depth of three feet with layers of straw, earth and stones. This would protect their backs from fire from above while they worked to sap the foundations of the fort.It was an old Frontier ruse. At that height, and in those extremes of climate, mortar quickly becomes friable. Soon the long knives of the tribesmen had loosened the mortar between two great blocks of stone. Inserting a crowbar, they soon succeeded in levering away sufficient blocks to make a narrow opening into one of the lower rooms of the fort. They worked frantically to enlarge the breach, and with a great shout of triumph the tribesmen surged forward. But Ishar Singh had the measure of them. Hastily collecting his few remaining men, he ordered them to fix bayonets and kill every Pathan as he emerged through the breach. This they did - and faithfully. The breach was choked with dead and dying, and once more the tribesmen withdrew. When next they came forward, they brought with them great bundles of burning brushwood, thrusting them into the breach without regard for the bodies of their comrades already lying there; and the dark and narrow room beyond was filled with smoke and the smell of burning. Now Ishar Singh knew that the game was up. Returning to the roof, he flashed his last message to Fort Lockhart. The enemy was in the fort - the Sikhs were overrun but would not surrender. Then, placing the heliograph carefully in its case, and leaving it in a corner by the battlement, he went down for the last time to join his men in their final stand. By now the interior of the fort was a milling mass of men, arms rising and falling as the tribesmen thrust their long knives into the few remaining defenders. Somewhere in the midst of this holocaust of blood, smoke and flames Havildar Ishar Singh of the 36th Sikhs fell to a Pathan's knife. Soon there was only one soldier left on his feet, Sepoy Gurmukh Singh; and he died, as so many Sikhs had died before him, shouting the Sikh war-cry - 'Wake Guru ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guruji ki Fateh!' Saragarhi hadbeen defended to the last man and the last round. The frenzy of destruction then seized the tribesmen. Little caring that their own wounded lay bleeding beside the enemy, the Pathans brought bundle after bundle of flaming brushwood into Saragarhi until the blockhouse became engulfed in a sea of flames. Those who watched the drama from the walls of Forts Lockhart and Gulistan saw a great pillar of smoke and fire mount high into the evening sky, destroying dead and dying alike, but by some quirk of fate sparing the heliograph, which was later found undamaged in its charred leather case. And as Saragarhi burned, the tribesmen slipped away down the ravines to their houses in the valley, leaving behind as witness to the valour of Havildar Ishar Singh and his twenty comrades the bodies of more than two hundred of their own.
Few Frontier battles ever quite captured British imagination as did the defence of Saragarhi. When the story of the siege was told to the House of Commons by the Secretary of State for India, every member rose spontaneously to his feet in tribute to the men of the 36th Sikhs. Each one of the defenders received the immediate posthumous award of the Indian Order of Merit, and their dependants were given a grant of 500 rupees and two acres of land. The Sikh community raised three memorials in their honour - at Amritsar, Ferozepore, and at Saragarhi itself. An Army Order was promulgated declaring September 12th as an annual holiday for all regimen ts enlisting Sikhs. Perhaps the tribute that would most have pleased Havildar Ishar Singh and his comrades was decided upon by their Regiment. Out of all the many Battle Honours awarded to the Sikh Regiment, for battles fought all over the world, that of Saragarhi would be commemorated each year on 'Saragarhi Day'. That is why on September
12th, wherever they may happen to be, every battalion ofthe Sikh Regiment (and there are now nineteen of them) solemnly commemorates the 'Immortal martyrs' of the old 36th.

Don't miss this talk on the legendary defender of the Punjab and Sikh Panth in the 18th Century, Jassa Singh Ahluwalia

Don't miss this talk on the legendary defender of the Punjab and Sikh Panth in the 18th Century, Jassa Singh Ahluwalia. Hand-picked for leadership by Mata Sundari Ji (Wife of Guru Gobind Singh Ji) , hear how the youth Jassa Singh rose to prominence from a Son of a single Mother to the mightiest warrior in Northern India , Chieftain of the Sikhs, Defender of India against the Afghans and router of the Mughals from Punjab. His success in battles was staggering and it is from leaders such as Jassa Singh Ahluwalia that the Sikh Empire led by Ranjit Singh took root. Come and hear for yourselves. Details attached.

The Indian Army in the Korean War:

These pictures from Life Magazine give us a rare glimpse into India's deployment in the Korean War. While India did not take sides in the war and indeed opposed it, it sent over field hospital units to give medical attention to wounded soldiers on both sides of the conflict as a matter of humanitarianism.

Negotiations after the ceasefire of 1965 as Lt

Negotiations after the ceasefire of 1965 as Lt. General Harbaksh Singh, GOC-in-C of India's Western Army (right-hand side) meets Lt. General Bakhtiar, Chief Martial Law Administrator (West Pakistan) and Commander, I Corps, Pakistan Army (left-hand side) in Lahore. Representatives from the United Nations were also present at the meeting.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

हिन्दुस्तान की आज़ादी का वो इतिहास और शहीद जो आपसे छुपाए गए |

Wanted: Enthusiastic and heroic soldiers for organizing Gadar in Hindustan against British rule.
Remuneration : Death. तनखाह - मौत
Reward : Martyrdom. इनाम - शहीदी
Pension : Freedom. पेंशन - आज़ादी
Notably, Gadar Party published the above advertisement in November 1913 in U.S.A.
Bhag Singh was a prominent leader in the Vancouver Sikh community and a victim of the Bela Singh shooting. He was the son of Narayan Singh and Man Kaur, and the third of four brothers. His village was Bhikhiwind, in a part of the Lahore district that fell within India in 1947 and that is now within the Amritsar district of Punjab. He served five years in the Indian army cavalry, a year and a half-year in the Hong Kong police force and also two and a half years on the Shanghai police force before he came to Canada in 1906.
He became secretary of the temple management committee in Vancouver in October 1908. In January 1911, after a visit to India he returned to Vancouver with his wife and newborn child in the company of Balwant Singh and his family in a highly publicized challenge to Canada’s immigration policy. In Bhag Singh and Balwant Singh’s cases, the government permitted their families to stay, without conceding a right of entry to other families from India.
Bhag Singh was a member of the Shore Committee at the time of the Komagata Maru and along with Husain Rahim took over the the ship’s charter from Gurdit Singh. While the ship was still in Vancouver harbour, he was arrested on the American side of the border with Balwant Singh and Harnam Singh who were together found to be carrying revolvers, but he was released and back in Vancouver shortly after the ship left ( Their plan was to send revolvers to India by Komagatamaru to be used for freedom of India.)
On September 5, 1914, he and Battan Singh were killed in the shooting of seven men by British spy Bela Singh in the Khalsa Diwan Society gurdwara. Bhag Singh’s wife had died earlier that year following the birth of their second child, and the Khalsa Diwan Society assumed responsibily for the care of his orphaned children, Joginder Singh and Karam Kaur.
But what happened to them later is not known.
In Vancouver court, Bela Singh said he had been a signaller in the 30th Punjabis in India and that he was still on reserve. He said that one of his tasks in the immigration office was to translate copies of the Gadar newspaper into English for Hopkinson and that his translations were sent to Ottawa and England.
In court Hopkinson argued that Bela Singh killed Bhai Bhag Singh and Battan Singh for self defence and Bela Singh was released by court.
British Government deputed Hopkinson, an officer of the Secret Police, to Canada to keep a watch over the activities of the Indians. Hopkinson could understand and speak both Hindi and Punjabi. He managed to collect a group of traitors and informers from amongst the Punjabis around him.
Before Hopkinson, legendary Taraknath Das was interpreter at Vancouver in 1908. Taraknath left Canada and went to USA and became one of the founder of the Gadar party.
Hopkinson was causing too much problems for Gadar party revolutionaries. Therefore on -
21/10/1914: Gadri Bhai Mewa Singh killed interpreter Hopkinson in Vancouver court by bullet.
11/1/1915: Bhai Mewa Singh was hanged to death at 8:00 a.m.
At least six freedom fighters were hanged because of गद्दार Bela Singh, who had an armed guard with him at all times, and used to say no one could touch him in the British Raj. Finally, after 20 years in May- June 1934, He was shot by three Gadri Akali Babbar's, including a childhood friend of his, and his body decapitated.

Not old enough to grow a beard but Sepoy Nasib Singh of the #SikhRegiment is old enough to win the I.D.S.M in the desert War of 1941.

Not old enough to grow a beard but Sepoy Nasib Singh of the #SikhRegiment is old enough to win the I.D.S.M in the desert War of 1941.
Manchester Evening News 11th September 1941

The 7th Sikh Monument of World War 2 is going to be Inagurated on 4th of September 2016 in Marcoto Saraceno, Savio Valley, Italy.

World Sikh Saheed Military Yaadgari Committee, Italy ( Registered ) and great people of Italy together with the noble City Councils have already built and inaugurated Sikh Monuments of Forly on 13-08-2011, Monte Cavallara, Marradi on 19-05-2013, Novellara R. E. on 25-04-2014, Casola Valsenio in April 1998, Faenza City in 2014 and recently a Sikh Monument on the boundary wall of the Station LEOPODA via Gabbugiani, Florence has been inaugurated on 10-08-2016. The cost of building these Sikh Monument is over 1 Lakh Euro and has been donated by the Gurdwaras and Sikh Sangat of Italy. The City Councils fully co operated the Sikhs for these Monuments.
This 7th Sikh Monument of Mercoto Saraceno, which is going to be inaugurated today i.e. on 04-09-2016, will always remind the world of the sacrifices given by Nabha Akal Regiment and Italian people together for the liberation of Savio Valley and their people.
Photo 8 & 9 are of the Gurdwara in the City of Casola Velsenio, Italy in 1944 but now there is a Snack Bar. Sincere efforts should be done to take over this Historical Place by the Sikhs of Italy.

Men from various units supplied by the various Princely States in 1914.

There were over 550 princely states in India who had not been conquered or annexed by the British and while technically independent all the states had British "advisers" who ensured they followed the Indian governments wishes.
The Imperial Service Troops were forces raised by the princely states of the British Indian Empire. These troops were available for service alongside the Indian Army when such service was requested by the British government. At the beginning of the 20th century, their total numbers were about 18,000 men.
On the eve of war in 1914, twenty-nine Indian states were providing soldiers for the Imperial Service Troops scheme. These totalled 22,479 of whom 7,673 were cavalry, 10,298 infantry and 2,723 transport corps.
The London Illustrated News September 1914.

The 7th Sikh Monument of World War 2

The 7th Sikh Monument of World War 2 in Italy has been official Inaugurated by World Sikh Shaheed Military Yaadgari Committee, Italy and the Municipality of the Mercoto Saraceno City of the Savio Valley on the 4th of September 2016.
In the opening Ceremony, many Sikhs, Government Officials, Italian people were present and the Italian Military Band was on display.
Martyrs of Nabha Akal Regiments who died here in large numbers on the 5th of October 1944 in a fierce fighting Battle with the occupied forces of the enemy, were remembered and rich tribute were paid.
In Europe are now 9 Sikh Monuments :
2 are in Belgium of World War 1 - In Hollebeke - Ieper, Inaugurated on 3rd of April 1999 and in Wijtschate, Inaugurated on 9th of November 2008. All the Sikh Monuments have been inaugurated according to Sikh Traditions.

BHANGlAN Dl TOP or the gun belonging to the Bhangi misl

BHANGlAN Dl TOP or the gun belonging to the Bhangi misl, known as Zamzama, is a massive, heavyweight gun, 80 pounder, 14 ft. 41/2 inches in length, with bore aperture 91/2 inches, cast in Lahore in copper and brass by Shah Nazir at the orders of Shah Wall Khan, the wazir of Ahmad Shah Durrani.
It is perhaps the largest specimen of Indian cannon casting, and is celebrated in Sikh historical annals more as a marvel of ordnance than for its efficiency in the battlefield.
The gun was used in the third battle of Panipat in 1761. Being too cumbersome to move, Ahmad Shah left it with Khwaja Ubaid, the governor of Lahore. In 1762, the Bhangi chief, Hari Singh, attacked Lahore and took possession of the cannon. It then came to be known as Bhangian di Top. It remained in the possession of the Bhangi Sardars, Lehana Singh and Gujjar Singh till 1764, when the Sukkarchakia chief, Chadhat Singh, who had assisted the Bhangis in the capture of Lahore, claimed it as his share of the spoils.
Chadhat Singh had it carted to Gujranwala with the help of 2,000 soldiers. Afterwards, the Chatthas of Ahmadnagar wrested the cannon from the Sukkarchakia Sardar. A feud arose over its possession between the two Chattha brothers, Ahmad Khan and Pir Muhammad Khan. In the ensuing battle between the claimants two sons of Ahmad Khan and one son of Pir Muhammad Khan were killed. Gujjar Singh Bhangi, who had helped Pir Muhammad Khan against his brother, took the cannon to Gujrat.
In 1772, the Chatthas recovered it and removed it to Rasulnagar. It was captured by Jhanda Singh in 1773 and carried to Amritsar. In 1802, when Maharaja Ranjit Singh occupied Amritsar, the cannon info fell his hands. Contemporary chroniclers of Ranjit Singh`s reign record that the Bhangis used the Zamzama in the battle of Dinanagar which they fought against the joint forces of the Kanhaiyas and the Ramgarhias. Ranjit Singh employed it in his campaigns of Daska, Kasur, Sujanpur, Wazirabad and Multan.
To Multan it was transported in a specially built carriage during the siege of the citadel in 1810. but it failed to discharge. In April 1818, it was again taken to Multan with reinforcements under Jamadar Khushaal Singh, but its shells proved ineffective against the thick walls of the fortress. In these operations, the cannon was severely damaged and it had to be brought back to Lahore, unfit for any further use. It was placed outside Delhi Gate, Lahore, where it remained until 1860.
When in 1864, Maulawi Nur Ahmad Chishti compiled the Tahqiqati Chishti, he found it standing in the Baradari of the garden of Wazir Khan, behind the Lahore Museum. During the years following the British occupation of the Punjab, many a legend grew around this massive relic of the Sikh's victory over the Afghans. In 1870, it found a new asylum at the entrance of the Lahore Museum, then located in the Tollinton Market. When the present building of the museum was constructed it was removed further west and placed opposite the University Hall repaired in 1977, the cannon now rests opposite the Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the Panjab University at Lahore.
The cannon bears two Persian inscriptions.
The front one reads: "By the order of the Emperor [Ahmad Shah], Duri Durran, Shah Wali Khan Wazir made the gun named Zamzama or "The Taker of Strongholds."
The longer versified inscription at the back eulogizes its bulk and invincibility. "A destroyer even of the strongholds of the heaven."

Interview With Amarpal Singh, Author And Historian Of Military History

Tell us a little about yourself and your background?

Hi Mark, I’m 53 years old and live in London with Mandeep, my partner and two sons. I came to the UK when I was 6 years old so I’ve spent most of life in this country. We lived in Gravesend, Kent for quite a while but I have lived in the London area ever since my college days. By trade I’m a Computer Software Engineer although I started getting a little bored with writing software about a decade ago. I’m pretty much into writing now although I have a few software projects that I am working on as well.
How did you become interested in military history, and are there any aspects or periods that interest you most?
When I was a kid we had the local library quite nearby and I remember going there to pick up some new books every couple of weeks. I’m pretty sure my interest in History developed at that point and its stayed with me ever since. I really think we need to keep our libraries going for precisely that reason – as that’s the first contact many children have with a vast amount of books of all types and genres, fiction and non-fiction. You simply can’t get that with Amazon or other online book sites. I have quite an eclectic taste myself. I enjoy late Roman period, Byzantine, Ottoman, 18th and 19th Century wars with a bit of WW1 and WW2 thrown in for good measure. I have Hugh Bicheno’s book ‘Elizabeth’s Sea Dogs’ sitting beside me at the moment which I’m relishing starting this weekend. It looks pretty good!
Tell us a little about your Sikh Military History Forum and why you created it?
Since I was researching the Anglo-Sikh Wars I thought it might be a bit of fun to have a Facebook group on that subject as well. There wasn’t another one that tackled this issue in a serious way so its become a big success with nearly thirty thousand members. You get all sorts. Some members are very knowledgeable and others less so – I guess that’s part of the fun of being in a group, everyone learning a little from each other.
Although Britannia Magazine has a number of contributors, the idea to set it up was yours. Please tell us how you came up with the idea and how it has grown since you founded it?
It was really a ‘self-improvement’ idea Mark. I found I was reading and researching less as the years went by due to work and family pressures and of course there was time spent researching and writing my books. I’d love to get back to reading about all sorts of history topics – and also writing about them. I thought about starting my own blog initially but I realized I probably wouldn’t have the discipline to write something on a regular basis as there would be nothing to push me along. However with similar minded people (like yourself) it’s more interesting and fun as you get to plan and write on a shared platform. So I suppose there’s a social angle to it. I do find I’m reading and thinking on varied subjects more now so I think its working on me! The Britannia Magazine page was started seven months ago and is ticking along nicely with over a thousand followers and steadily going up. As ever these things are long term propositions but its looking good.
Your first book was published in 2010. How did you decide on the subject of the First Anglo-Sikh War?
Well it was really a subject that I thought hadn’t been addressed properly by Military Historians in recent times. The last good book was Donald Featherstone’s work ‘At them with the bayonet’ which was released in the late sixties. That was also dealing solely with the first war. So I thought it was high time another work came out. Of course being a Sikh and a Punjabi helped decide the topic as well 😉
Tell us more about your new book, recently published in June this year?
It’s a sequel to the first book really. I covered the first Anglo-Sikh War in the first book and I though I may as well cover the second while I was at it. I thought I might get bored doing both wars back to back but it was actually quite interesting. There are different characters involved and the second war has quite a different nature to the first being more of a rebellion than a war between two states. My only regret is not being able to take some interesting images of the major battlefields and other landmarks for the book. These places lie in Pakistan now. I’ve been allowed into the country before but was refused twice for a visa this year to go back which was very disappointing. But overall I’m very happy with the book.
Apart from your books, have you done any other military history related work, such as magazine articles or TV interviews etc?
I’ve been on BBC programs several times talking about Sikh history but regrettably haven’t been very active writing articles for History Magazines. That’s something I need to rectify. I suppose this is where Britannia Magazine comes in really useful as I find I’m now writing on issues and subjects that I have had an interest in but haven’t written anything on previously. But I will be targeting conventional printed magazines and newspapers/news sites for future articles as well and am also planning write-ups and commentaries on current affairs.
What are your future plans, and have you decided on a subject for your next book?
I’d love to cover early British expansion in India between Plassey and the Battle of Buxar (1757 to 1764) in a comprehensive way. Its an interesting period of North Indian history, what with the Afghan invasions of North India by Ahmed Shah Abdali and the battle of Panipat in 1761.  There was certainly plenty of turmoil and game changing battles in that time! I’m currently mulling over doing a book on Aurangzeb and the English at the moment. Aurungzeb was Mughal Emperor of India between 1659 and 1707 and there was quite a bit going on at the time. The Mughal Empire was at its height but the reign of Aurangzeb introduced weaknesses which led to its decline and fall during the first half of the eighteenth century. He had somewhat mixed feelings about the English and other Europeans and I think this would make a fine book.